miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

The door in the wall

                        “THE DOOR IN THE WALL
         In “The door in the wall” by H.G. Wells a child called Wallace that was 5 years old saw a green door in a white wall. He did not want to tell it to anyone because they were going to tell him that he was crazy. His father was a lawyer and his mother died when he was a child. I am going to speak about reality vs imagination, loneliness and insanity.
          Reality vs imagination when Wallace imagined a different world from the reality world. An example was inside de door when he saw things that he wanted to happen in his life.
          In relation to loneliness, because during the story we can see that Wallace was always alone, his father did not pay attention and his mother died when he was little and he only had one friend.
          About the topic of insanity, the story shows that he was crazy. First he saw a door, he entered and a lot of crazy things happened. Then he continued seeing the dor in different parts.
          The author shows that a child that always is alone and his father did not pay attention can have problems. When I read the story I realized that it is true that childrend that are alone can have problems. I recommend this book to parents that do not pay attention to their sons to realize what can happen.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


Taiga:  Esta ubicado en Canadá y en Estados Unidos. Es un bioma caracterizado por sus formaciones boscosas de confieras , siendo la mayor masa forestal del planeta.
 Su temperatura media es de 19 °C en verano, y -30 °C en invierno. El promedio anual de precipitaciones alcanza los 450 mm. El periodo favorable para la vida de las plantas se reduce a cuatro meses. La vegetación dominante en la taiga es el bosque de coníferas. En las zonas de clima más duro el bosque es muy uniforme y puede estar formado exclusivamente por una sola clase de árbol. Las hojas en forma de aguja de las coníferas les permiten soportar bien las heladas y perder poco agua.
              Clima y suelo: El clima es extremadamente frío y húmedo. La temperatura media está por debajo de 0 hasta 5 °C. Los inviernos son más cortos y fríos, pero, a menudo más rigurosos que en la tundra y el suelo está cubierto de nieve
              Fauna: La vida es muy dura para los animales en invierno, por lo que las aves suelen emigrar a latitudes más cálidas, mientras que muchos de los otros animales hibernan. Los animales más característicos de la taiga son los herbívoros como el alce y reno/caribú, roedores como el castor, ardilla, liebre, y carnívoros el oso, lobo y glotón
              Flora: La taiga del sur es un bosque mixto que alterna las coníferas con árboles caducifolios como el arce, el olmo y el roble, tiene dosel cerrado, el suelo cubierto de musgos y en los claros encontramos arbustos, flores y hierbas.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

The change of his life

              This story happened some years before when Sofia, Gabriel´s daughter wanted to go out with his new friends. They were in his house and the father told her that she wouldn´t go out with his friends. Sofia was a beautiful girl, she was tall, she had blond hair and blue eyes. She was 14 years old and she had a lot of friends.
               Sofia went to a bilingual school “ Newlands ”  there she made a lot of friends, there she made the best friend, Paula, that went together with her for a lot of years, when she went to primary. You couldn´t separate them, they went to all places together, the group that she made in the school they always were together.
                But a problem happened. Gabriel, his father, lost his job so he didn´t have money for her education, because he didn´t have money an a bilingual school is not cheap. So the only solution that they had was changing Sofia to a public school. But Sofia didn´t like public school, that the persons that went to that school were bad that they made bad things. But her father told her that things were not like that, that the people that went to a public school weren´t bad. But they didn´t have another chance of changing of school.
                 The day of starting the new school arrived. Sofia went to the school. Sofia arrived at the school and a lot of girls went to speak to her. She started making a lot of friends and when she arrived at her home, She told her father that the people who went to a public school were not bad. They were like the rest.
                   One year later, her father had a good job and he asked Sofia if she wanted to go to “Newlands” again and Sofia told him that she wanted to be in the public school because she made a lot of friends and the girls of the others school were also her friends.
                     She introduced the girls of Newlands to the girls of the publc school and they became all friends.
                     Sofia learned that if she went to a public school she wouldn’t be better that the others, but the others wouldn’t be better than her. That all are good if they do things well         

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

graduacion alcoholica

La graduación alcohólica corresponde a la cantidad de alcohol que el producto tiene en relación al volumen. O sea se mide como un porcentaje, en cuyo formato se incluyen las palabras "alcohol" y "volumen" (usualmente abreviadas) junto con el signo porcentual, como por ejemplo "alcohol 12% vol."
para haberiguar cual es la graduacion alcoholica de una bebida tenes que primer sabes cuantos cm3 de alcohol tiene la bebida y de cuantos litros o cm3 es el trago. si yo tengo una bebida de 250 cm3 y de alcohol se que tiene 15cm3 de alcohol debe hacer el siguiente proceso:
               250cm3----------------- 15 cm3
               100cm3----------------   X : 100x15
                                               -------------------  : 6 cm3 ( graduacion alcoholica de una bebida )

En una muesta la graduacion alcoholica que hay de esa bebida casa 100 cm3 y el otro muestra cuanto ml tiene la bebida.

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012


The field school is a big field, cute, well maintained and always in good shape. It has two tennis courts and three rugby hockey. It also has one bathroom for women and one for men and also a good running track that is very useful for sports. In the middle of the field you have a barbecue, that is big, beautiful and useful. When we have the sport all is a disorder because is not big. I think that is a good field.
The field school is pretty good, they have to improve some things. One of them thing is that they would have to have another rugby field because if there is a match we have to train elsewhere. Also another thing that would have to have are showers in the bathrooms, because when you go out of a match you can bathe and go clean to your house. Also to spray more often because there are a lot of mosquitoes and bother you while you train.

viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

dear diary

In this week in 1944 all was strange, the people were running , the governments were speaking all the time about what was happening and the teachers of the school were alert about something that students didn't know. When the British arrived in India a lot of people killed themself, because they didn't want to speak another language, change the religion and receive order of the British.At that time, I decided to go to another country, I would not speak another language, I would not change my religion. So I decided to go to England to live because I will not change my life. When I arrived in England and the time passed I would start writing poems about the British in India  that I didn’t like. My parents hate the culture and all the changes that the British made in India. My parents are in India and I want to go again, but I don't want to bear with British. But I want to see my parents. I think I will go again to IndiaMy parents need me.
          bye tomorrow I will write again

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

todos los soles mienten

La historia todo los soles mienten esta basada en una historia del futuro. Se trata de un político que debilita la fuerza de sol a la ciudad. Los chicos que eran un grupo de amigos unidos que jugaban juegos de ver el cielo y el que ganaba se ganaba una porción de mas de torta siempre ganaba Marcelo M. Todos los apellidos de los chicos es la letra que empieza su nombre. Los chicos no iban al cole, los chicos de 12 a 18 años tenían que casar ratas 8 horas por día y cuando habia alerta tenia que salir de urgencia. Estos chicos tiene una cueva donde se encuentra una piedra que da calor y ellos a esa cueva le dicen santuario que es de 12 cm2.  Una ves Abelardo A que era el político los invita a un bar que les quería mostrar un lugar especial en la cuidad. Abelardo A los lleva a un departamento donde habia calefacción y ellos caen en su trampa.
    A mi la novela me gusto me pareció bastante interesante ya que no se sabe como va a ser el futuro. Para mi es una novela interesante porque surgen cosas que te atraen a seguir leyéndola. Para mi el final es muy malo yo mientras lo leei pensaba que liban a quedarse todos en el santuario y que iban a sobrevir no que se mueran todos como sucedió.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012


Este es un programa que nos deja programar una imagen para que haga lo que queremos. Para hacer esto solo se necesitan unas simples ordenes que se hacen con el mouse el objetivo de esta actividad era hacer que la imagen valla desde la esquina superior izquierda hasta la derecha despues aste la esquina derecha de abajo despues a la izquierda y por ultimo a el centro.

Conoce más sobre este proyecto

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

l/l writing soliloqui 2012

Before I go to kill Medusa I was thinking. If I fiht with Medusa I could die and I will not see any friend anymore and I couldn't get married and have a child. But if I go and I kill Medusa I will be and important soldier and all people would adore me. we were three soldiers and if ones dies I could no kill, but if I want to kill medusa I have to fight with him. I could go and in the fight I could go away and if one of the soldiers kill medusa I could enter and be an important soldier and if the soldier die I would go away of that place and say that I was ill and I couldn't fight and I will go to another country. But I don't have family, I don't have girlfriend and I don't have child. But I think that my life could be better if I kill to medusa, but the problem was that I could die and I love life sow I will noy go, and I can try to have a beautiful and big family because I am a good and honest person. Sow I think that I can have a beautiful life

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012

el uso de internet

Para usar Internet ahí que ser cuidadoso al dar información privadas a gente que no conozcas. yo usando Internet soy relativa mente cuidadoso, no acepto gente que no conozca ni doy información privada a nadie.En el vídeo la chica que hablaba daba información privada sobre una persona, eso esta mal porque da información privada y ademas no es de ella la información privada