lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Taiga:  Esta ubicado en Canadá y en Estados Unidos. Es un bioma caracterizado por sus formaciones boscosas de confieras , siendo la mayor masa forestal del planeta.
 Su temperatura media es de 19 °C en verano, y -30 °C en invierno. El promedio anual de precipitaciones alcanza los 450 mm. El periodo favorable para la vida de las plantas se reduce a cuatro meses. La vegetación dominante en la taiga es el bosque de coníferas. En las zonas de clima más duro el bosque es muy uniforme y puede estar formado exclusivamente por una sola clase de árbol. Las hojas en forma de aguja de las coníferas les permiten soportar bien las heladas y perder poco agua.
              Clima y suelo: El clima es extremadamente frío y húmedo. La temperatura media está por debajo de 0 hasta 5 °C. Los inviernos son más cortos y fríos, pero, a menudo más rigurosos que en la tundra y el suelo está cubierto de nieve
              Fauna: La vida es muy dura para los animales en invierno, por lo que las aves suelen emigrar a latitudes más cálidas, mientras que muchos de los otros animales hibernan. Los animales más característicos de la taiga son los herbívoros como el alce y reno/caribú, roedores como el castor, ardilla, liebre, y carnívoros el oso, lobo y glotón
              Flora: La taiga del sur es un bosque mixto que alterna las coníferas con árboles caducifolios como el arce, el olmo y el roble, tiene dosel cerrado, el suelo cubierto de musgos y en los claros encontramos arbustos, flores y hierbas.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

The change of his life

              This story happened some years before when Sofia, Gabriel´s daughter wanted to go out with his new friends. They were in his house and the father told her that she wouldn´t go out with his friends. Sofia was a beautiful girl, she was tall, she had blond hair and blue eyes. She was 14 years old and she had a lot of friends.
               Sofia went to a bilingual school “ Newlands ”  there she made a lot of friends, there she made the best friend, Paula, that went together with her for a lot of years, when she went to primary. You couldn´t separate them, they went to all places together, the group that she made in the school they always were together.
                But a problem happened. Gabriel, his father, lost his job so he didn´t have money for her education, because he didn´t have money an a bilingual school is not cheap. So the only solution that they had was changing Sofia to a public school. But Sofia didn´t like public school, that the persons that went to that school were bad that they made bad things. But her father told her that things were not like that, that the people that went to a public school weren´t bad. But they didn´t have another chance of changing of school.
                 The day of starting the new school arrived. Sofia went to the school. Sofia arrived at the school and a lot of girls went to speak to her. She started making a lot of friends and when she arrived at her home, She told her father that the people who went to a public school were not bad. They were like the rest.
                   One year later, her father had a good job and he asked Sofia if she wanted to go to “Newlands” again and Sofia told him that she wanted to be in the public school because she made a lot of friends and the girls of the others school were also her friends.
                     She introduced the girls of Newlands to the girls of the publc school and they became all friends.
                     Sofia learned that if she went to a public school she wouldn’t be better that the others, but the others wouldn’t be better than her. That all are good if they do things well