lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Capital punishment

In the following essay I will develop my point of view about capital punishment, that is when a government or state executes someone, usually because they have committed a serious crime. In my opinion, capital punishment has to be used for some crimes, not for all, it depends on the severity of the crime.
  To begin with, death penalty isn’t a good method, because criminals in some cases can change if they receive psychological can understand that what they are doing is bad and they can change an have a good and beautifully life. Also a great solution is that in prison, the prisoners have to work to obtain the food, as if they are out of prison and have a normal life, so they can see how different can be their life if they don’t steal.
  Moreover, I am against punishing by execution because the justice system isn’t perfect and innocent persons could be sent to prison and be killed with out having committed a crime.
  On the other hand, I consider that when a crazy criminal killed another person has to be killed because if he goes to prison, when they are free you are not sure if the would kill another person. So there capital punishment is a good solution to stop with this big problem, that is the increase of people killed.

To conclude, capital punishment should only be used in an extreme case, like the killing of someone

R1: Sometimes is a very extreme measure because with other methods you can solve the problems, so criminals can have another chance instead of beeing kill.
R2: Justice systems isnt perfect, so inocent people can be killed.
R3: I am in favor because someone that kill another have to killed because he left some family destroyed and the life of the other person is not returned.
C: have to be used in an extreme case.

La escuela de noche

En el cuento " la escuela de noche" escrita por julio cortazar se trata de dos chicos, toto y nito que deciden entrar a su escuela una noche y descubren a sus profesor y compañeros hacien cosas extrañas, rituales y cosas que nunca podrian a verse imaginado. Ines Bourassi escribe el cuento como una premonicion de la dictadura que sucede en los años 1970
      Para empezar a mi me parece que de la forma en la que los alumnos son castigados fisicamente por haber perdido un juego, puede ser metaforicamente la severidad con la cual los opositores al gobierno militar eran tratados. El juego se basa en "saltar y pegar" y toda la fila paso denuevo por arriba de kurchin intentando patearlo y golpearlo a la vez que saltaban. 
     En segundo lugar los alumnos se portan como si estuviensen en la dictadura, sin poder dar sus opinopnes y ser maltratados al darla. "-porque te conviene- dijo la otra voz de nito- porque no sos tan idiota para no darte cuenta de que si abris la boca te va a cortar Caro" eso lo dice nito refiriendoze a que si hablan de lo que vieron esa noche en el colegio iban a ser castigados.
    En conclusion yo creo que la tesis de Ines Bourassi es completamente correcta, ya que el cuento se puede entender como una demonicion de la dictadura de los años 70