1.Advertising as is explain in Item A, was used in the cinema and television as to help and defend their vested interest because the big screen and the little screen were the most seen by the population, as to expand their product.
2. As its seen in Item B, cigarettes kills 1.000 people per day, so as to sell them, publicist lie about cigarettes effects, or even worst, they occult information about them, so as they are a death produtc, they distors the truth.
In this Viceroys advertising, you can see how the protect they vested interest by; Firstly, saying that the addtition of their filter, filter the smoke and in that way they are not unhealthy. In addition, they select an image of a dentist as to show they are not bad for humans health and teeths. In conclusion, they represent cigarettes as harmless for humans been.
by, Augusto Zacagnino and Tomás Bravo
2. As its seen in Item B, cigarettes kills 1.000 people per day, so as to sell them, publicist lie about cigarettes effects, or even worst, they occult information about them, so as they are a death produtc, they distors the truth.
In this Viceroys advertising, you can see how the protect they vested interest by; Firstly, saying that the addtition of their filter, filter the smoke and in that way they are not unhealthy. In addition, they select an image of a dentist as to show they are not bad for humans health and teeths. In conclusion, they represent cigarettes as harmless for humans been.
by, Augusto Zacagnino and Tomás Bravo